Posts Tagged ‘Boxing’

We hope everyone is enjoying the summer. Here at home we have been making a few changes and fine tuning what we have started from the beginning. Many of you have notice we been working on a projet we have called Taino Warrior Coqui. It is finally coming to life and more to come. Also, we have had great feedback on new concepts of shorts, tee shirts and hats. Please continue to send us the feedback.

Exciting news! Here at Boricua MMA we are proud to be affiliated/partnered Team Boricua, as well as the creative and supportive team that is behind it for its new adventure. Team Boricua is the clothing line not only for the Borinquen people of Puerto Rico but for everyone who has roots in Puerto Rico. The Tainos, called the land “Borinquen”, which means “Land of the Valiant Lord.” Therefore, one who was from Borinquen was called a “Boriqua”. Boricua MMA is very excited and more to come on collab collections. Check them out PLEASE SUPPORT!

Now, many have wondered why we promote alot of BJJ? First of all, we love and respect all martial arts. We know we have strong roots of many Boricuas who practice the art of Judo/TKD/JKD/Boxing and more. That being said, Puerto Rico is now in a great place of learning BJJ. Huge thank you to Federación de Jiu-Jitsu Brasileño de Puerto Rico promoting this art and all BJJ Schools on the island. Our goal is to show the world that Puerto Rico is on the rise of new athletes and MMA fighters. If you have any events for any martial art feel free to share the link to our facebook page on any martial art. We are FAMILIA.

Thanks again for reading our blog and enjoy the pictures below.

-Boricua MMA Fight Gear Familia

Familia, we hope your weekend was great y mas que todo always working hard in the GYM. We wanted to say thank you and of course much love en sharing who we are with friends and fam. Currently we are in the works of the new Spring/Summer ’12 Line that will celebrate our first hoodies, hat, rashguard and crew neck sweat shirts!!! As we continue to brand Boricua MMA Fight Gear we look to YOU for the feedback and collabs of amazing themes and story lines of our culture/sport/history.

We wanted to say, Congrats to our fellow Boricua MMA Fight Gear pana…Danny(pictured below) on his recent trip to St. Louis for the NAGA Championships. In his division of 159lbs. Danny placed 2nd Place!

Also, a sneak peek of our Boricua MMA Rash Guard being represented/tested by Carlos from New Jersey! WEPA! Stay tuned!!!

Una vez mas…buscamos writers for our blog and monthly e-mail newsletter. Please email us your information to or comment below.

Bendiciones y segimos pa’lante hasta la muerte.

BoricuaMMA Fight Gear Familia

Here at Boricua MMA Fight Gear, we hope you had a safe and amazing NEW YEAR! 2012 for us is a year of pushing really hard this new brand and learning from the past. We took a very big risk in starting this very small project and thanks to you guys it has grown. A few of the teachings we took from 2011:

  • Puerto Ricans love to Represent 24/7!!! WEPA
  • As a new company…we can’t sponsor every fighter…PERO un dia we will!
  • Working with overseas manufacturers…not fun.
  • Gotta love Facebook/Twitter/Youtube in allowing us to share with you guys.
  • Need to be fully stocked in Boricua MMA Shorts 24/7!!!

This year we plan to look to YOU guys to give us insight for what your looking for. We have heard alot of feedback with gear, women’s line and Gi’s…which we will address. Launching for Spring ’12 we hope to have a Walkout Tee (Men’s/Women’s), City/Barrio Tee and New & improved MMA Shorts!!! We will be looking to have our line in stores around the country and PR but we will need to look for help. We hope to get additional help to continue the growth.

So, mi gente siguen pa’lante as we will in this journey of bringing Boricua MMA to the forefront and set the legacy we have set in contact sports like TKD y Boxing.

Attached is a concept of our “Represent your City/Barrio Tee!

Dios les bendiga Familia
